Our Mission

ShuarHands, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to improve the medical and educational infrastructure for populations in need in developing countries. Acting by and through their established governing systems, community leaders, ShuarHands, Inc. is committed to creating balanced partnerships and/or local non-profit partners, thereby creating a greater experience of independence and stability, while maintaining cultural and ecological sensitivity. ShuarHands, Inc. is a non-religious and non-political organization.

Our Goals

  • Assist in the creation of medical missions for those who would not otherwise have access due to remote location or lack of funds.
  • Invite local and international physicians to participate in medical missions, teach basic and advanced first aid, and to provide other needed medical needs;
  • Assist in the furnishing and maintenance of medical clinics and school structures;
  • Assist in the purchase and provision of supplies for students and schools-in-need
  • Reduce malnutrition in children through education, supplemental food packets, and funding assistance programs

All photographs were taken in Ecuador, Guatemala and Lebanon by ShuarHands, Inc. officers.

New and Exciting

Our Audiology Team from the Policlinica in San Marcos, traveled to Comitancillo, an indigenous community, to provide screenings. Previously no audiology services have been available to families residing in remote areas of the Western Highlands of Guatemala.

Please view our projects on the Event Page


  • Policlinica Wellness Center (services provided at reduced social pricing)
    • Medical, Dental, Nutrition, Psychology & other areas of Medical Expertise 
    • Pharmacy and Complete Laboratory Services
    • Mini Medical/Dental Missions to remote rural villages quarterly
    • Ophthalmology/Pending construction of Eye Surgery Center
  • Audiology Center Assessment/Hearing Aids from Sound World Solutions
  • Community Gardens Irrigation systems provided availability for new crops
  • Protein Project Families are raising Rabbits in San Antonio & Sibinal
  • Ophthalmology Project Eye surgery for 146 patients from Tacana/Sibinal
  • Familiar Project Basic support for families in-need: food/medicine/clothing


  • Maidat al Mahabba Soup Kitchen Feeding displaced families and others in-need
  • Familiar Project Basic support for families in-need: food/medicine/clothing

ECUADOR: Amazonia: Yaas Nunka, Taisha and Macas: Morona-Santiago

  • Familiar Project Basic support for families in-need: food/medicine/clothing

Donate Now

Help us make a difference

Please join AmazonSmile Foundation: http://smile.amazon.com/ch/20-8726638

ShuarHands, Inc. will receive a small donation as you purchase items.


“I am so impressed by the warm, caring and professional feel of your clinic. It is beautiful! Congratulations!”

Ms Butchart

“I support the decisions to help the poor people made by the ShuarHands, Inc. family and board. I enjoy reading the updates I get. They help so many poor people and I want to visit the clinic and Guatemala someday.”
